Short Stories
Here are some non-fiction historical short stories, some based upon ancestors in my family tree I have come across in genealogical research, and others I have come across in my historical research.
Uncovering the story of Johann Gramp: Pioneer Winemaker of the Barossa Valley
This short story is about my Great Great Great Grandfather Johann Gramp, Pioneer Winemaker of the Barossa Valley, and his journey from Bavaria to South Australia. He was the first commercial winemaker in the Barossa Valley, founded a dynasty, and led a full and interesting life. Read the story here.
My Great Great Grandmother, Her Scandalous Husband and Spiritualism in 19thC Melbourne
This story tells that of my great great grandmother who lived in three countries, and her scandalous second husband, who was a regular feature in the newspapers in late 19thC and early 20thC Melbourne. Read the story here.
The Red devil: captain Harry butler, AFC, pioneer aviator
This story, written with Les Parsons, tells the tale of intrepid South Australian Pioneer Aviator, Captain Harry Butler. It first appeared in Sabretache, June 2010. Our book on Harry Butler will be launched 3rd August (Minlaton) and 17th August (Adelaide) 2019, near the 100th anniversary of Harry's crossing from Minlaton to Adelaide. Read the story here.
the 6th field artillery brigade of ww1: corporal White and the 'fair dinkums'
This story tells that of my Grandfather who was in WW1 and served in Egypt, France and Belgium in the first Field Artillery Brigade to go on active service in WW1. The story appeared in The SA Genealogist Feb 2011 and is on the FindMyPast website. Read the story here.
michael patrick fahy, pioneer of moorak, mt gambier
This story tells that of proud Irishman Michael Patrick Fahy, an energetic pioneer of Moorak, Mt Gambier, who had a key role in establishing the first school and a number of community and sporting groups & activities. Read the story here.
Three inspirational women of queen street, norwood
This story tells of my discovery of three inspirational women who all once lived on Queen Street, Norwood where I once also lived: Catherine Helen Spence, Saint Mary MacKillop and May Gibbs. Read the Story Here.
The Rhynie tragedy: the story of alexander newland lee
This short story tells the tragic tale of Alexander Newland Lee, whose story introduced me to that of his infamous Auntie, known as 'The Black Widow'. This short story was written as a precursor to the book 'The Secret Art of Poisoning: The true crimes of Martha Needle, The Richmond Poisoner.' Read the Story Here.
The tragic tale of henry lomman and the adelaide asylum
This short story tells the tragic tale of my great great great grandfather Henry Lomman, arriving in South Australia in 1840 he was a pioneer of Paradise and Athelstone. His wife Martha Strong was strong in both name and nature. Two of his sons signed the women's suffrage petition, probably spurred on by their mother's experience. Read the Story Here.
Leonard George Battams and the Loveday internment Camp
This story is about Leonard George Battams and the Loveday Internment Camp, the largest internment cap in Australia in World War II, which was based in the Riverland in South Australia. You can read the story here.